1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Ok. Done!
Nih gambo 2 thn lepas.Dated on 20th June '07..hahhaaaaa....lame tuh!celebrate besday Dinie 2th dgn Apies & Saiful at Pizza Hut Jusco Tebrau City....Mase tuh kami dpt pau si epol...
hheheeee..sbb aper ekk..x silap aku dia dpt bonus kot..sekali sekala kami kenakan dia...neway thks a lot for they all.mase tuh Apies masih stay lagi di Desa Tebrau tuh..sbb tuh lah kami rajin kuar same2...skang ssh nyer kami nk jumper..rindu sehhhh....
So utk Apies..kalo ko bace blog nie...agak2 ko ingat lagi tak agenda kite mase tuh..hahhahaaaa...kite posing2 mase nih gune hphone jekkan..almaklumlah mase tuh mcm canggih aje amik gambo pakai hphone kan....huhuhuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........And time nih gak aku tgh pregnantkan siddiq ..almost 6 months....sbb aper aku pakai baju pink preggy aku tuh....
So utk Fara...Mission completed!actually aku masih hutang lagi Tag Fara & Piah nih...tak dan dah...rasenyer let go jelah..pasal dah outdate...hahahhhahaaa...(ok ker u all???)
utk Tag seteros nyer aku nak lanjut kan task nih utk list kt bwh nie,,
1) Wanie
2) kak Iza
3) Apit
4) Jas
oklah tuh..x cukup lah pulak 6 org...
dahh..keje ko aku dah buat!:P
dik,homework done!
hehehhee..ok la tuh kham...job welldone!hikhik....oooo ada lg eh tag xabih..xper laa kham..mana yg terlarat ko buat laa.....kalau x..kira hangus je!hehehhe
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