Monday, June 23, 2008

Besday Gurl!

20th June 2008

Ok...last Friday we wall went out to Jusco about 8.30pm...we had mini celebration besday for my little cute daughter without my dear hubby...huhuhuhu..sedey tau.....papa ckp ok went to SDS in Laboheme with Dinie...then she choose the Blueberry cake wit full of Choc marvellous....!firstly mcm nak mkn kat Pizza..tapi dah full we all pun decide mkn kat Ayamas je lah..not bad gak..x ramai org sgt... dear so excited nak tiup lilin...

Hepi besday sayang....we all nak bg present yg sgt special utk Dinie..ape2 pun kena tunggu papa balik dulu..mama ade forward pic kat papa x bg anto gambo byk2 sbb dia sedey more pic...i will upload at my fotopages....daaaaaaaaa.............

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